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Monday, August 16, 2010

Yoga And Pilates - A Sensible Combination(yoga equipment)

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Pilates highlights just a tiny aspect of the vast discipline of Yoga. Yoga includes all that Pilates comprises and a lot more. While Yoga stresses the unity of mind, body and spirit and involves a combination of physical exercises, breathing exercises and meditation, Pilates is more physically inclined; it is, primarily, aimed at promoting flexibility, increase stamina and strength, reduce stress and cure ailments. Yoga is considered not just physically therapeutic but also mentally and spiritually. People take up Yoga not just to be physically fit and energetic, but also to reduce stress and anxiety and achieve inner peace and happiness.

While Yoga is the considered most holistic approach to physical and mental well-being, Pilates refers to a physical fitness exercise system. Together with lengthening and stabilizing of the spine it is designed to achieve and maintaining perfect body alignment and posture. It primarily focuses on cultivating core postural muscles. Yoga benefits, on the other hand, are more than just a physical; they are all-inclusive. For physical and mental health, covering all aspects of breathing, relaxation, internal hygiene, diet, breathing techniques, meditation and ultimately self-realization, there is nothing like Yoga.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga exercises and poses are not just intended to make the practitioner physically fit and strong, by bathing internal organs with rich oxygenated blood and life force energy they also set their functioning right. Further, Yoga normalizes the endocrine system, strengthens the respiratory system and enhances digestive functioning and elimination besides perking up the reproductive system.

Benefits of Pilates

On the other hand, even though Pilates is not as complete and holistic a health system as Yoga, it helps you reach more or less the same physical fitness goals as Yoga. This is achieved through a series of controlled movements and breathing regulation. Pilates is very effective, especially for aesthetic body sculpting and makes the practitioner feel and look tall, lean and svelte.

So, what is better for overall health and fitness, Pilates or Yoga? The answer is a levelheaded blend of the physical and meditative aspects of both systems. On some level, both Yoga and Pilates share the common goal of strengthening the body with the help of ones own body weight for resistance. As a matter of fact, a lot of their movements and postures are very similar. And, just like Yoga, Pilates can also be done as floor exercises if you don not wish to blow money on buying Yoga equipment or Pilates equipment. Pilates is also a lot simpler to learn and easier to understand. It also tends to give quicker results. But, finally, the choice is yours; it depends on your patience level and the goals wish to achieve. Just physical fitness and a fantastic figure or all that together with long-lasting inner peace and happiness.

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Yoga Poses - Basic Yoga Equipment(Yoga Equipment)

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One of the many advantages to practicing Yoga is that it can be done by anyone of any age in just about any location. There's no need for a lot of special equipment or accessories; especially for the beginner.

Many students find that as they continue to practice, there are a few items which enhance practice and make it even more enjoyable.

o What to wear

Yoga students find that it's best to wear loose, comfortable clothing. Shoes are not necessary; in fact the tradition is to practice Yoga in bare feet. However, soft shoes or socks work very well; especially if you are doing your Yoga outside or in a cold room

o Nourishment

Doing poses with an empty stomach will result in the maximum benefit. The recommendation is to not eat for at least three hours previous to beginning the session. Sinuses should be free and, ideally, bowels should be empty.

Drinking a glass of warm water about a quarter of an hour before you begin will put your body in an ideal state of hydration. Because fluids slow down the cleansing effect, it is best to NOT drink any fluids during the Yoga session. If this is not possible, and you find you are thirsty during the exercises, you may take small amounts of water during the session.

o Equipment

There are a number of props, which can be used to help the Yoga student, especially the beginner, attain more advanced poses. Straps, pillows, mats and blankets are all available to enhance the Yoga experience.


A Yoga mat can be extremely beneficial to use while doing your poses. While it is not necessary, many students find a mat to be essential because Yoga studios often have hard floors. A good mat, made with foam, keeps elbows and knees protected from bruising. Also, it makes a good barrier between your spine and the wood or concrete.

Another plus is helping you keep your balance during poses that require standing. It's important to purchase a mat which offers good adherence to the floor; this will ensure you don't slip.


These are big "Yoga pillows" and they're great for taking the pressure off your neck and back. Used behind the knees during bending poses, and between the knees when lying on your side, these are of great use to enable you to maintain more difficult poses. They are especially helpful for people who are limited in movement due to disability or injury.


The detoxification benefits of Yoga are due to body heat. This energy heat is what cleanses the body. A Yoga blanket, used at the end of the session keeps the body at the temperature level necessary to ensure you receive the maximum heat benefit.


Think of these as a type of arm extension. With the help of straps, even beginning students can attain more advanced postures. These assist with all types of poses, including twists, balancing, reclining and relaxing. Most of these are made from cotton or nylon.

None of the equipment noted above is necessary for practicing Yoga. Using any or all of these will allow students to attain postures properly by safely modifying the poses.

If you are new to Yoga, begin with a quality Yoga mat and check with your instructor to find out what will be used in the class. As you progress, you will become familiar with the use of these accessories and you can determine


Your props and equipment are not essential for practice, but they can make your life easier and your practice more enjoyable. Unlike other activities, there is no need to go out and get special gear unless you want to. Yoga is for everyone!

Yoga equipment


Yoga Equipment For Better Fitness(yoga equipment)

yoga equipment

Yoga equipment is designed for health and well being via a therapy that comes down from generations of skillful practice and dedicated exhibition of the ancient art of yoga. The art is as ancient as the hills in the orient and is attributed the epithets and guarantees associated with the best names in the fitness world. One of the many health and well being alternatives, yoga develops a sense of calm and offers you exercises that are not only easy to practice and perform, but also almost instant in result.

The plain and simple breathing exercises and easy body movements into certain scientific and time tried and tested positions enable you to address a number of health maladies including weight gain. Yoga is a science that is completely safe for any person in any part of the world to incorporate into an already existent fitness regime. There are a number of providers of dedicated Yoga equipment that not only make it possible for you to access the yoga mats and cushions from the comfort of home, but also provide you with dedicated information on the art involved behind the exercises.

You can gain a complete yoga education the moment you indulge in the purchase of dedicated yoga based equipment or material. The equipment or gear is designed by professionals who understand the need for space and comfort as you maneuver the body into a number of different poses one after the other. The various online as well as offline resources help you to access Yoga equipment of both the plain and simple quality as well as that designed with designer components. You can choose from bolsters, to mats, to cushions to body supports and even apparel designed to offer you complete back up when attempting the yoga exercises.

The equipment is important to the routine because it enables you to perform the exercises in the manner in which they are meant to be executed. The various providers of the Yoga equipment also make it possible for you to access resources that not only educate you on this ancient oriental science but also offer you step by step guidance. The equipment is basically priced according to the size requirements and the materials preferred. The price range, online, is displayed alongside the dimensions of the equipment. This helps you to pick the equipment you need and ascertain the prices to fall within your budget.

yoga equipment


Yoga Equipment - Information You Should Know(yoga equipment)

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Yoga is a well known discipline for body, mind and spirit. With its ever increasing popularity worldwide, it has rapidly adapted to people's needs and has become more comfortable to practice in the home or in the classroom. Because of these factors and the fact that it has become much higher profile, it has now led to the appearance of a wide variety of yoga equipment being used for classes or for practicing at home.

Essentially, this means that before starting any type of yoga class, you should undertake a little bit of research to ensure that you find out which type of yoga will be right for your needs. Once you have decided this, you can then buy the correct yoga equipment, either online or directly from the yoga school that you attend. More information about what you need can be found over the internet as well as in books or at the various yoga studios.

A Bit about Yoga

Yoga consists of a combination of physical exercises or body positions, which are also known as "asana" and these are used together with various breathing techniques. This will usually take place under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

Most probably your instructor will advise you about what you need, in terms of the necessary yoga equipment. Clothing will be the first thing to consider. It should always be comfortable and allow for yoga poses where for instance you need to keep your head down, or in any other posture where you may slip due to using inappropriate clothes. Shoes are not required as yoga is usually done barefoot. This is great news for those used to sitting or standing for long periods of time, which can cause feet to swell. Consequently, without the need for shoes, it can make things much more comfortable for them.

As part of the exercises are done sitting down, in yoga studios, mats are used. These are called sticky mats which also help to define the personal space of each student, but more importantly, create traction for both the hands and feet.

Optional Equipment

Other yoga equipment consists of blankets, yoga blocks, yoga balls and straps. Blankets can be used in certain positions to elevate a part of the body or to achieve a particular position if students cannot do this by themselves. They may also be used purely to make the position more comfortable and to allow students to maintain it for a longer period of time. Yoga blocks are used to align the body properly, for example where the students hand can't touch the floor. Straps are especially designed for maintaining a pose or to stretch muscles more effectively. They are used in poses where you are unable to reach or hold a position for more then a few seconds.

Other Things to Consider

In addition to the yoga equipment necessary in class, you can also find other helpful tools such as information material, namely videos, DVDs and books etc that you can use at home, or can study when you have some spare time. All of these things will help you to maintain a broader outlook and progress more quickly in your Yoga.

If you are Really Keen

For those of you willing to continue your exercise outside of the class, you can buy yoga kits. A yoga kit consists of all the necessary elements, e.g. mat, blocks, balls, books and videos to help you progress much faster. Alternatively, there is Yoga equipment available to help create a warm, ambient atmosphere while you practice your yoga. In these kits you will typically find tapes with relaxing background music, aromatherapy tools, candles, bowls and essences etc. Further to this, you can even buy charm jewelries or yoga greeting cards.


The discipline of Yoga has always been popular, but now it has become a real growth industry and has attracted masses of attention worldwide. Because of this, you need to do your research carefully to ensure that you achieve the goal you have set yourself. All this said and done, with time you can truly benefit from this wonderful ancient discipline. It is well worth the effort you will put in. Good Luck.

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